dimanche 6 mai 2007

So here we are selling stuff

Long day. Up early to distribute Ségolène leaflets and simultaneously help out on a stall at a boot sale in the 17th. Leaflets for Segolene were to help Sarkozy lose (apparently it's illegal to distribute tracts on the election day anyway...), and boot sale was to vaguely contribute to the association I belong to. Action culture is a bunch of guys who are friends of friends who have an organisation that aims to raise money and school equipment for a bunch of schools on Casamance, Southern Senegal. Check it all out here.

They were selling stuff that Edouard ('Doud', co founder with Ben) had got from the 5 star hotel he works in, stuff the hotel was just going to chuck out: beautiful linen sheets, towels, cosmetics, minibars, hoovers, cleaning equipment, ashtrays you name it. 157 euros by the time I left at lunchtime.

First results from AFP news agency on tonight's presidential result. Sarkozy easily ahead, 54% against 46%. Oh dear.

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