jeudi 31 juillet 2008

So here we are reading Douglas Kennedy

OK! OK! OK! I admit it, I am re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-reading the Harry Potters, again. After only 3 months. It hasn't stopped me reading this though.

The Woman in the Fifth by Douglas Kennedy

In a nutshell : a lone american called Harry settles in Paris and works in a crap job in a shitty area as he tries to write his novel. He meets strange woman Margit at a party and starts an affair with her as his life becomes increasingly peculiar.

The blurb : Weird book. Starts an as ambling, slightly slow paced read of an American who flees his home in the US after a scandal and tries to write a novel. Nice descriptions of the grubbier side of Paris and its underground networks, and his crap situation is credible. Quite early on he meets this mysterious woman then... well, weird stuff happens. Bit of a fantastic denouement (but still quite enjoyable) but nothing really goes anywhere and the end is a bit of an anti climax.

IMHO this OK. it's my first DK book and I'd probably buy another of his. Bit strange though, neither thriller (too slow, no action), nor romance, neither particularly dramatic, and certainly not a funny. There is a twist and I'll say no more. Good for a long winter evening.

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