dimanche 7 décembre 2008

So here we are in the dead heart of Oz

The Dead Heart by Douglas Kennedy

In a nutshell : an American journalist in need of adventure flies to Darwin, Australia and decides to drive across the "Dead Heart" of the country. En route he meets Angie, and it all starts to go wrong.

The blurb: this is Kennedy's first book, and very different from his latest (The Woman in the fifth, see review here). This is basically a two part book : the first part is a road trip with witty and usually rude descriptions of the Australians in the Bush and the ghastly "roo steak, whores and beer" life they live. Part two I shall not say much about (don't want to give the plot away now, do we) but it is an even ruder description of Australian village life in the middle of nowhere. It is also incredibly funny as our hero realises that life in the Australian outback does not suit him, at all and tries to get away. Rude, adrenaline-charged and very, very funny.

IMHO this short book is a great read. A little too short maybe - I read it in a day- but nicely paced as you are cunningly transferred from the "road trip" part of the book to the "god, help, get me out of here" part. Despite its shortness there is a great build up and it is quite difficult to let go. An entertaining way to spend a Sunday afternoon when it is cold outside.

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